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Senin, 01 April 2013

The beauty of stained glass | Kaca Patri

Stained glass is glass that assembled one by one with a tin or brass to form a system design with solder. In need specialized expertise of artisans in the assembly. Results neatness and beauty of color combination will determine the artistic value of the glass itself. Stained Glass Stained Glass or adorn many houses of worship such as mosques and churches, Building, also private homes. Glass surface this looks like a painted colorful, until form a motif, such as flowers, animals, marine or arap calligraphy. If the look of stained glass color when exposed to light will seem brighter and apparent design, as well as its beauty will appear in the night with the reflection of light from inside the building or home.
Stained glass has a large selection of colors such as red, yellow, green, blue, black, and many more. Each produces a different color. While the color of the glass material used is no glass Imports (imported glass 70% and local 30%), Semi Glass (Glass Imported 40% and local 60%), Local Glass (100% local glass), with a thickness of 3 mm glass.Import Glass means glass that is not in production in Indonesia. The difference was evident in the color display. Imported glass provides sharper color and natural appeal in the local color glass. If the touch each side of the glass to import all refined while local glass one side Kacar. Cutting glass imports also easier. That's one of the reasons that make imported stained glass can cost 3 times more expensive than local emissions.In addition, the stained glass can be an expression of the personality of his owner, every element Stained Glass can show interest and artistic value that we hold dear in life. For example, if you placed or put some stained glass motif in the interior of your home such as a rose motif as an option, can be interpreted psychologically you are a romantic personality, brave, calm and beauty of a rose motif on the stained glass gives the impression of fresh and natural. Kaca patri
KACA PATRI merupakan salah satu unsur pendukung bangunan baik untuk Interior maupun Eksterior yang sudah dikenal sejak lama, pemakaian kaca patri ini akan menimbulkan kesan tersendiri pada bangunan-bangunan Rumah Tinggal, Perkantoran, Rumah ibadah, Hotel, Restaurant maupun bangunan-bangunan umum lainnya.

Kaca Patri Timah
Penerapan motif-motif atau design-design pada kaca patri memiliki keunikan tersendiri dengan penempatannya yang dibutuhkan teknik khusus.
Kami yg mempunyai  tenaga-tenaga berpengalaman yang sudah bertahun-tahun dibidang Kaca Seni ini.
Kaca Patri sebagai bentuk personifikasi diri
Pilihan kaca patri dapat menjadi ungkapan personifikasi diri, Elemen Kaca Patri dalam hunian rumah dapat menunjukkan minat dan nilai yang kita junjung dalam kehidupan. Sebagai contoh jika anda menempatkan atau meletakan beberapa motif kaca patri dalam interior rumah anda misalnya motif bunga sebagai pilihan, secara psikologis anda dapat diartikan adalah orang yang berkepribadian romantis, motif bunga pada kaca patri memberi kesan ceria dan segar. Jelas bukan, mengapa kaca patri dianggap sebagai salah satu cara menunjukan personifkasi diri?

Harga Kaca Patri:

Kaca Patri Harga / m
Kaca Patri Kuningan Rp. 3.000.000
Kaca Patri Kuningan triple Rp.3.000.000
Kaca Patri Timah Rp.1.500.000
Untuk pemesanan dan pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami

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